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[SOLVED] where to edit in the back office the content?

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Sorry Vekia,

 I´ll explain better:

This page:   http://www.goodpsychologists.com/en/content/category/1-home    can be access from the front office and like any other page has its meta tiltle and meta description. I can access the other pages inside from pref/seo and url ,  but not the actual page for which link I am sending you. It´s like I can access its items (about us, legal notice...) but not the home category to change its metas...


I hope that you can understand now, let me know if you don´t.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us,


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i see where the problem is,

there is a problem with move category to "home" because there is selectbox with parent category


home category can't be a parent of home category ;)



have you got an access to PHPmyAdmin ?

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Hi Vekia, sorry for the delay..


I accessed PHPmyadmin to here:






But I cannot go any further to reach anything close to the snapshot that you told me.

I contacted my server and I am waiting for their response to see how can I get there...


If you have any suggestion, please share it, if you don´t I still thank you for taking me up to here..


Thank you,



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