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My admin page will not load

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The admin page has mysteriously stopped loading.  The admin URL changes from "http://streetmancompanystore.com/xxxxxx" to "http://streetmancompanystore.com/xxxxxx/index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=f05f2e39d6e8f1f0b10eb851bf552627" and then I get a 404 message.

What could have happened?  The site worked fine until it just mysteriously stopped letting me access the admin page.  Please help.   :)


Edited by tstreetman (see edit history)
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Clear your cache and try again or try from a different browser. Also, how long is it taking to load the page before you are redirected to the 404 page?

Strangely enough, this happens on any computer and any browser.  :\  I tried it in Firefox and Safari on my Mac and in IE on a Windows computer.


The page just redirects and gives me a 404 that is housed on my Prestashop page.  I couldn't figure out how to add an image properly, so I attached an image of the error.  There isn't much of a delay when it gives the 404; it just tries to load for about a half second and then redirects to that second URL and puts the 404 picture in the bottom of the window.

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There are four php.ini files; three that they backed up and one that is current.  They definitely did something on their end, as I haven't backed up the php.ini file, nor have I changed the name.

I will contact the host.

Would you think that the php.ini file would make it so that the site would ignore the admin page?

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do you know to what version they changed?

She didn't say.  She just said that the PHP version was updated and it made the admin page and the image slider module fail.  I wish I could answer, as it would have been good information for everyone.  

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