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creating a larger Homepage logo?

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Hello Forum,


I need some advice on how I can have a larger homepage logo.


I currently have a small logo on the top left side and I want to use a larger image that will go across the entire top side, without covering up the search bar, contact, sitemap and shopping cart.


Is that possible to change?


Using PrestaShop


Thank you for any help!



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okay, so in your case the best thing will be modification of theme.

create your logo image with size: 100px x 980px

for example, something like: 



and upload it via FTP service to /img/ directory



then in global css create this:

#header {
background: url('http://www.americascuisine.com/siteImages/texas/dallas/featured/featuredad539.png') no-repeat;

#header .logo {display:none;}



must be an url to image that you uploaded to /img/ directory



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perhaps your problem is related to fact, taht you've got ccc for css files

so after changes - they just dont appear due to this


while you're working on your theme, please turn it off (ccc for css), turn off cache, and turn on force compilation.

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paste this code to global.css:

#header_links a, #header_user_info  {
	padding:2px 5px;
#header_user_info .login {








after recompilation of theme with changes, you can put back options you switched under preferences > performance tab

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Ok, I tried another file name and the same happened. How important is ccc?


To add anhor? Sounds even more complicated, sorry not very good with this stuff,


I tried looking all over today but can't find where I can change the Willkommen,the W is looks almost cut off and I wanted to give it one space.


On top, the Kontakt and sitemap, is it possible to have the same size as below the Willkommen and Anmeldung, so it looks even?


Sorry for all these questions but after looking for hours and not seeing anything it gets frustrating.

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