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[SOLVED] Homepage Logo

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Ive attatched the two images. Banner1 is the original, Banner2 is how it looks after being uploaded as the homepage logo.

Although the difference is subtle, I think it is most obvious on the text "Who like to rock the party?" and was just wondering why this was happening.

Thanks for your help



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Okay... after uploading the images they both look the same. lol.

I took a look at my photoshop file and realised that the pink I was using for the text was not a "Web Safe" colour. Maybe this is why it is changing?

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Oh your talking about image quality
this can be changed here - admin/functions.php line 51

imagejpeg($newImage, _PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$cacheImage, 86); /// image quality
just change the 86 to higher value ;-)

also the following may work but is untested - within modules/editorial/editorial.php line 99
Configuration::set('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD', 1); /// just change value to 0

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Could you give me some more information on what the value actually means? Why is it set to 86 by default? Would changing "PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD’, 1" to "0" be a better solution?

p.s. Thanks for the comment "JustSweetFeet" :)

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