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Editing the prestashop sample theme categories not show changes

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Hi, i recently download and testing this awesome tools por ecommerse, i loaded to my server or hositng, every thing work apparently correct, but iam trying to edith the sample categories for example changing the names displayed but just in the back end show moddified but in the front end the web page still show the same like in the sample, can anybody tell me how or what iam doing wrong? or how see changes made in the categories?


this is in my backend office edith the categories already



and here is my front end tha the categories or menu do not display the changes i made:



Please can some one tell me

whats wrong???

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I have to enter in the data base and look that in the table category_langs appear dublicated items but my changes appears with lang=1 and the other items with lang=2 all the changes I made in the back end update in the field of the database with lang=1 not in Lang =2, any idea? I will try your suggestions

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