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Order Confirmation hook on thank you page for google analytics

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hello I am trying to get the orderconfirmation hook that calls the google analytics to work on a thank-you page generated by the authorize.net module.

I am using 1.2.5 and cant get the call to happen. Anyone know how to get this hook to show up?

the thankyoupage now is

* Authorize.net payment module thank-you page
* @author Geoff Woodburn [http://www.woodburndesigns.com]
* @author Jesse Hemingway [http://www.jirosoft.net]
* @version 0.91

/* SSL Management */
$useSSL = true;


if (!$cookie->isLogged())

   $id_cart = intval(Tools::getValue('id_cart', 0));
$id_module = intval(Tools::getValue('id_module', 0));
$id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId(intval($id_cart));

   'HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION' => Module::hookExec('orderConfirmation')));




and the tpl file is

{capture name=path}{l s='Payment'}{/capture}
{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}

{l s='Thank You for Your Order.'}

{assign var='current_step' value='payment'}
{include file=$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl}

{l s='Your Order has Been Processed' mod='payauthorizenet'}

{l s='Thank you for your purchase. We have successfully processed your order.' mod='payauthorizenet'}

View your order history please

What I want to pull is from gsanaltyics

function hookOrderConfirmation($params)
       global $protocol_content;

       $order = $params['objOrder'];
       if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
           $deliveryAddress = new Address(intval($order->id_address_delivery));

           /* Order general informations */
           $output = '

             var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("'.Configuration::get('GANALYTICS_ID').'");

               "'.intval($order->id).'",                   // Order ID
               "PrestaShop",                                  // Affiliation
               "'.floatval($order->total_paid).'",           // Total
               "0",                                           // Tax
               "'.floatval($order->total_shipping).'",     // Shipping
               "'.$deliveryAddress->city.'",               // City
               "",                                         // State
               "'.$deliveryAddress->country.'"             // Country

           /* Product informations */
           $products = $order->getProducts();
           foreach ($products AS $product)
               $output .= '
                   "'.intval($order->id).'",                        // Order ID
                   "'.$product['product_reference'].'",            // SKU
                   "'.$product['product_name'].'",                    // Product Name 
                   "",                                                // Category
                   "'.floatval($product['product_price_wt']).'",        // Price
                   "'.intval($product['product_quantity']).'"        // Quantity

           $output .= '

           return $output;

I dont have to pull this if I can just duplicate it in the thankyou page. anyone know how to get that to work

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I'm having the same problem, were you able to find a solution? Thanks,


What exactly needs to be added from google to enable google-analytics? Is it just a javascript that needs to be run? Just enclose it in {literal} tags in the .tpl file and see if that works. I played with it briefly and it seemed to work but I was getting some mixed-content errors so I deleted it and never got around to messing with it again.
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The information that needs to get pulled is for the ecommerce part of analytics

it is pulling this information which tells google what the order was and for how much ect.

function hookOrderConfirmation($params)
       global $protocol_content;

       $order = $params['objOrder'];
       if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
           $deliveryAddress = new Address(intval($order->id_address_delivery));

           /* Order general informations */
           $output = '

             var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("'.Configuration::get('GANALYTICS_ID').'");

               "'.intval($order->id).'",                   // Order ID
               "PrestaShop",                                  // Affiliation
               "'.floatval($order->total_paid).'",           // Total
               "0",                                           // Tax
               "'.floatval($order->total_shipping).'",     // Shipping
               "'.$deliveryAddress->city.'",               // City
               "",                                         // State
               "'.$deliveryAddress->country.'"             // Country

           /* Product informations */
           $products = $order->getProducts();
           foreach ($products AS $product)
               $output .= '
                   "'.intval($order->id).'",                        // Order ID
                   "'.$product['product_reference'].'",            // SKU
                   "'.$product['product_name'].'",                    // Product Name 
                   "",                                                // Category
                   "'.floatval($product['product_price_wt']).'",        // Price
                   "'.intval($product['product_quantity']).'"        // Quantity

           $output .= '

           return $output;

regular analytics works fine but I need this information on the thankyou.php of the authorize.net module.(free one not $500000)

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I'm having the same problem, were you able to find a solution? Thanks,


What exactly needs to be added from google to enable google-analytics? Is it just a javascript that needs to be run? Just enclose it in {literal} tags in the .tpl file and see if that works. I played with it briefly and it seemed to work but I was getting some mixed-content errors so I deleted it and never got around to messing with it again.

Thanks for the response. If I hard code the javascript it will work, but I need to set $HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION in the template so that it has all the sale information for ecommerce tracking to work properly.

I've added the following to my thank-you.php file in the authorize.net module (modules/payauthorizenet/thank-you.php):

$id_cart = intval(Tools::getValue('id_cart', 0));
$id_module = intval(Tools::getValue('id_module', 0));
$id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId(intval($id_cart));
$smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION' => Hook::orderConfirmation(intval($id_order)), 'HOOK_PAYMENT_RETURN' => Hook::paymentReturn(intval($id_order), intval($id_module))));    

but it does not seem to be assigning anything

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You could try:

//global $cookie; // Hmm not sure about this one, it could be the killer
$params = array();
$order = new Order(intval($id_order));
$currency = new Currency(intval($order->id_currency));

if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
   $params['total_to_pay'] = $order->total_paid;
   $params['currency'] = $currency->sign;
   $params['objOrder'] = $order;
   $params['currencyObj'] = $currency;
//    $params['cookie'] = $cookie;
   $params['cart'] = $id_cart;

   $smarty->assign(array( 'HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION' => Module::hookExec('orderConfirmation', $params)));

I'm not saying it will work though, but I'm hopeful enough to suggest it. The above is in place of the $smarty->assign() call you were using above.

The only sticking point might be the cookie.....


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