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csv import (category) "cannot save" trouble solved ?

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Hi, i try to import category but receive a "cannot save" error, this is my csv. Look at the second row, the second field used to set the category active

ID;Attivo(0/1);Nome *;Capogruppo categoria;Descrizione;Meta-title;Meta-keywords;Meta-descrizioni;URL rewrite;Imagine URL
1234;0;Categoria test 1;1;Questa e' una categoria test;;;;;http://mysite.it/immpark/PG600BLK.jpg

I solve all my trouble changing the second field. The upload work if the category is "On" (1)
this work:

1234;1;Categoria test 1;1;Questa e' una categoria test;;;;;http://mysite.it/immpark/PG600BLK.jpg

It's not possible to upload a non active category, set the second field to 1, not 0
Is this bug documented ? If yes , where ?


I use Version,


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