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Background image position

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Hello. Sorry for my English, I´m from SVK.

Can you help me solve my problem?

I would like to set my web backgrounds like in this page:


and when the screen resolution is changed, left and right backgrounds stay near the main page.


My code in css:

background: url(../img/01.jpg) left top no-repeat, url(../img/02.jpg) right top no-repeat;


doesn´t work, because if the screen resolution is changed (is smaller), left and right backgrounds don´t stay near the main page, but go under the page.


Can U help me?

I hope, it is clear.





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Hi Vekia


Thank you for your advice, i added code:

#colums {
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #888;
padding: 10px;
background: url(../img/01.jpg) top left no-repeat, url(../img/02.jpg) top right no-repeat;

to global.css, but it doesn´t work...it shows shadow around the colums-container, but left and right image(banner) don´t show...

it is a big problem for me and i don´t know, how to fix it


thanx for reply


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There link, it isn´t my page...it was only example, what i want to doing in my page

i need 2 url...1st picture on the left side and 2nd on the right side...


.columns-container {
  background: url(../img/01.jpg) top left no-repeat, url(../img/02.jpg) top right no-repeat }

works, but when the resolution is smaller, picture go under the colums-container....and i want that pictures stay fixed on the left and right side of the colums...(like in example page)


my english isn´t good and i don´t know, how to explain my problem correctly....sorry

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