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Editing product error! (Property Product->link_rewrite is empty)

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I have Prestashop and when I'm trying to edit product in Assotiations (To made a Featured product) I'm clicking on Save or Save and Stay button and get the following error: Property Product->link_rewrite is empty


Could you please help me to fix it? What is it? What's wrong? It doesn't save my products :(

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I have Prestashop and when I'm trying to edit product in Assotiations (To made a Featured product) I'm clicking on Save or Save and Stay button and get the following error: Property Product->link_rewrite is empty


Could you please help me to fix it? What is it? What's wrong? It doesn't save my products :(


Try to go to Preferences -> Product and switch "Force update of friendly URL" from No to Yes.

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Try to go to Preferences -> Product and switch "Force update of friendly URL" from No to Yes.



Little test: does it work if you click on the seo tab before, then you get back to associations and save?


Thanks for your help. I tried both, but unfortunately with no success.

Using the dev_mode pointed me in the right direction - there was an issue with a SEO module. I have disabled it for now and managed to save the products again.

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