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Meta description and meta keywords

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Hello everybody,

I was advised in some articles to add some meta tags to my header.tpl file in themes/defaultbootstrap, a meta description and meta keywords, but even though it went perfect to the homepage (it went from having nothing to having meta description and meta keywords), it created duplicated description to the rest of the pages...I was told so by google webmasters tool :(


How can I add a description and keywords to the home page, and keywords to the products pages (dont come with prestashop 1.6) if Im using the default theme?


Anybody knows?



Thank you.

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Figured all you need to do in (at least), is to remove 'hide' class from following block in admin/themes/default/template/controllers/products/seo.tpl


{* Removed for simplicity *}
<div class="form-group hide">
<label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="meta_keywords_{$id_lang}">
{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="meta_keywords" type="default" multilang="true"}
<span class="label-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip"
title="{l s='Keywords for search engines, separated by commas.'}">
{l s='Meta keywords'}
<div class="col-lg-8">
{include file="controllers/products/input_text_lang.tpl" languages=$languages


It appears that meta keywords functionality still present in code, it is simply hidden in layout.


I didnot thoroughly test the changes, although everything seem to work just fine. Use it on your own risk.

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