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Cant seem to get themes to work?

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I'm on 1.2.4, not looking to upgrade to 1.2.5 just yet will probably wait until 1.3. However, I can't seem to get themes to work. I installed "Brun" no problem, but when I tried to install "Moon" and a few other ones from DG, when I load them they don't display at all. The website shows up as if it has no .css file, no images or style from theme, just text and products all the way to the left. Any help? I upload them right to the themes directory through FTP.

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Ofter you apply your theme, if your shop doesn't look like it has any images or .css simply go to your Back Office, click on preferences and scroll down to where is says 'v1.1 theme compatibility'. Make sure you check yes on that option. Your theme should then work!

Hope this helped


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