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Friendly URL breaks links

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We are trying to activate SEF URLs for a shop installed on a LAMP server. As soon as we activate Friendly URLs all links are broken giving a "404 Page not found". mod_rewrite is activated on server and there is a .htaccess-file. We have also checked with the template provider, and they say that the template should be working with friendly URLs. Could someone please help, telling me what might be wrong? Could it be something wrong in the htaccess-file?



Template: LeoTheme Interior

URL: byggbutik.se


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We are having exactly the same problem.


I tested the same install on my local xamp server and friendly url's work out of the box.


But for some reason the Lamp stack is giving non stop problems. 404 pages

Mod rewrite is enabled and .htaccess is in place.

Could any one of you please help with this.
As I have gone through most of the forum posts regarding this and just cant seem to get this working.


Default Bootstrap Theme
URL: lepawtique.co.za


Hi Franzonal,


I just had a look at your URL and it looks like you sorted the friendly URL's

Can you possibly help with what you have done?



Edited by Emileb (see edit history)
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Hi Brent,


My Issue was due to mod_rewrite not enabled on the server.

I am running a lamp stack and mod_rewrite comes standard with the installation but you need to enable it in order for prestashop friendly urls to populate correctly


In order to use mod_rewrite you can type the following command in the terminal:

a2enmod rewrite


Restart apache2 after:
service apache2 restart


Hope this helps


Edited by Emileb (see edit history)
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