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Updating a Module for v1.6

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Is there a guide to changes between the module interfaces for 1.5 and 1.6? 


I am adapting my module and for some reason I am getting a left sidebar on the payments controller... the Bankwire module does not have this sidebar, and I have followed the code as far as I can but can't find a reason... am I missing something easy?

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I have not seen such a guide, but perhaps you could provide a screen shot showing the issue you have, I'm not following the issue as you have described it

I have a screenshot of my module and a screenshot of the bankwire module attached... mine has the sidebar but bankwire doesn't.




in controller declaration of your payment step (validate?)

use this:

public $display_column_left = false;

Ya know, I saw that when researching but it is set to false and always has been with this module :( I couldn't find anywhere else that had any impact on the sidebar, either in the controller/module or views... so i'm confused


class AnyPayPaymentModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public $ssl = true;
public $display_column_left = false;



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your code looks correct, and resembles bankwire payment.php


you don't say which version of prestashop, so perhaps there is a bug with that version.  


In v1.6.0.8, FrontController sets a smarty variable, and perhaps this is being overriden on your localhost?

            'hide_left_column' => !$this->display_column_left,

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