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USPS Tracking url not working like it did

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After updating to the tracking url that I used in the shipping carriers doesn't automatically add the tracking. To make clearer, when I clicked on the tracking # in the BO, the USPS site would open up with the tracking # automatically entered and the tracking displayed. Now it just opens up to the generic/basic USPS tracking page without the tracking # entered or any tracking information.


Here is the url I've been using: http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com/PTSInternetWeb/InterLabelInquiry.do?origTrackNum=@


Also, it seems when I apply a change to the url, it doesn't affect orders that have been placed already. The url stays the same no matter what I change it to. Not sure if the url change only affects new orders or if it will change previous orders. Since the forum automatically shortens the url, below is what I use with http in front of it.



Edited by bside2234 (see edit history)
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