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Error reporting from your PayPalAPI module

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I installed PayPal module. I updated all information like API username, API password, API signature but when I try to do a test on the website to arrive on the payment, I have a these message below .
Please try to contact the merchant:
1. <b>PayPal response:</b>
2. TIMESTAMP -> 2014-07-14T07:53:56Z
3. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10001
4. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Internal Error
5. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Timeout processing request
Please find attached my print screen .
Can you help me and let me know if I did something wrong? 


Error reporting from your PayPalAPI module.pdf

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Had a read of that, but I don't think it's connected as we don't use "HSS, or Integral Evolution". Having said that the issue seems to have resolved for the moment. Will obviously be keeping an eye on things.

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Had a read of that, but I don't think it's connected as we don't use "HSS, or Integral Evolution". Having said that the issue seems to have resolved for the moment. Will obviously be keeping an eye on things.

dang!..sorry not much help...


I suggest open an new topic (assuming you are not original poster of subject)...this gets best community review.

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