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More options into the contact form

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hi amwdesing,

thanks for agreeing with me.

anyway, i was lookig for the way to add more options into the contact-form.php

the options i am talking about is the Subject, currently by default there are 2 options i,e, webmaster and customer service. i'm hoping to add things like Sales, Returns etc

i have looked at the contact-form.php and contact-form.tpl within the the theme folder but don't see anything. may b i have missed somethng? do you know anything and if yes, can you please help.


ps. i bet there is an answer to this question in the other languaages lol

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You are going to kick yourself when I tell you this :lol:
You can set up as many options as required in the backoffice

Goto Tools --> Contacts --> Add new
you can then detup the title ie. subject, email & decription

let me know if there is anything else I can help you with ;-)

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