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CMS block


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I hope that someone can help me... i made cms page about company data and their is subcatagories such as contact, public information etd.. they are shown in left column in cmsblock.. now i made another cms page with another subcatagories and show in left column.. but now are both in subcategories in left column..


soo when  on my web site go to the page abaout company i have in left column categories about company and categories about the new page...when go to the new cms page i have both left column in my page too.. so have can i made that when i am in page about company thaht shows only subcategories about company and when i am in new cms page that shows only about new page categories in left..


please help :D


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Ok, I tested the site. But the fact is, they already belong to 2 different blocks, do you want to hide one of the 2 when not in a page belonging to that category? If so, it requires code modifications, I am afraid :(

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thanks for testing site... yes you have right, my purpose is to hide one of the two unfortunately..

so only way is with code mogifications, i can not used a other or copy cms block for each category specifically..?

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Well no, you can copy the code of cmsblock in the block itself, the use and if statement to target the current id_page, but it might get tricky to actually know if the current page belongs to the parent category, directly from the template (and defeats the MVC pattern anyway)

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This sounds difficult to do.. i have in my minde to do with if statemant, but like you say it's gonna be tricky. because i don't know were to use if statemant..

I really appreciate your help! tnx

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