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own cms info block

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Hi everyone.

I have 3 stores as a multistore (lovethedove.sk, lovethedove.cz, lovethedove.eu) I use default 1.6 theme and I have problem with cms info block module. You can see in pictures that in .sk cms blocks are displayed correctly. but in for example in .cz cms blocks are not displayed. I translated those blocks to every langueage but no effect. I see in admin that this cms blocks have shop id 1. This would be a problem but when I want add another block, new block  is not created. 

Any ideas?



Edited by daniel.kapicak (see edit history)
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When I installed prestashop, there are cms info block module hooked in botom of page. In cms info block module were created cms blocks as a examples. I mean those blocks. See attachment.


If you want, I give you access to admin so you can try to add or edit some block in cms info block module


Edited by daniel.kapicak (see edit history)
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It looks like a deep problem, occurring just in your shop. This kind of issues must be solved by custom service actions. I mean, it is almost impossible to find a solution through forum posts, because the problem is not general.

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