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Pennsylvania Tax on Shipping

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I'm currently researching Prestashop for our new online store.  One thing we're in need of is the proper way to handle taxes especially shipping taxes. I have played around with tax settings in my test environment and haven't been able to figure it out. So I'm asking the community.


In Pennsylvania we have law which states:


If the item(s) being shipped is taxable, the shipping and handling charges are also subject to tax.

If the item(s) being shipped is not subject to Sales Tax, neither are the shipping and handling charges. In the case where items being shipped are of a mixed (both taxable and nontaxable) nature, then the shipping and handling charges for the entire shipment are subject to tax.



What it boils down to is the following:


If I'm shipping to a customer in PA and the item that I'm shipping to them is taxable then the shipment needs to be taxed.


If I'm shipping a nontaxable product to a customer in PA then the shipment is not taxed.


Is there a way for me to be able to configure this rule?



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