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Invoice design

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I'm running PS and i'm still running my webshop in maintenance mode, because there is a huge translation job into Danish ahead of me still. I think there are many places, where translation is not working like it shoud. One of the places are the footer of an invoice. 


Where can i change the sentence Tel: xx xx xx xx ? I would like to change the word Tel into Tlf. which is standard in Denmark.


I can neither understand why the header shows the word "Invoice" 2 times?


It says: Invoice # INVOICE 123456. On the danish invoice i have simply inserted a space so that the header reads:  # INVOICE 123456. But when i download the invoice in the backend of the shop, the invoice is in english because i don't wanna run af translated backed. And here the invoice still says: Invoice # INVOICE 123456


Where can i also remove the # ? I just wanna have a header on my invoice saying: Invoice 123456 nothing more...


And i don't wanna change the invoice.tpl fil. Because on the next update, i'm back to where i was before.




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Hi tuk66


Thank you for your respons. But as i was saying, i don't want to customize the invoice.tpl. When the Next PS upgrade arrives, i have to customize it Again. I have instead disabled the invoice feature in PS, and will use my existing ERP system to send invoices to customers.



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