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Donate in English

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After using oscommerce for 7 years I think Prestashop looks promising so I tried to donate to it tonight, but had a problem. When you click donate in dollars it goes to a Paypal French page which won't let me enter a dollar amount and while it is giving me an error statement it's in French. Did I mention I don't speak French? Last week I sent did a purchase from a guy in Italy using euros with no problem but that was in English. I don't know if this problem has been brought up before but I bet more donations would come through if the dollar donation button went to Paypal in English.

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Hi Sabrina,

Thank you for your attention to this and I made my donation. I wish I could do more but I realize every bit helps. I also figured out what the problem I was having is and it is that dollar amount is setup as 0,00 instead of 0.00 with a comma instead of a period so it was rejecting 75.00 which is how we normally do that as a comma signifies thousands of dollars which would be a lot of love:). I didn't look at it closely enough before.

I hope everyone that reads this follows this link http://www.prestashop.com/en/donate/ and gives something.

Anyway, I realize prestashop still has a long way to go but there are more good things than bad about prestashop and the team and your efforts are noticed. I believe there is a huge market share of oscommerce and its derivatives based shops that can be yours and I want to see you succeed.

Since the format is so different from osc is there a standards or other "how to" documentation on adding a module? I'm working on a UPS module.


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