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Should I use Features or Attributes?

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I am making a online gallery for an art gallery.

The specs of the words goes as following


Title -  /Product Name

Artist -  /Manufacture (NB: I have changed "manufactures" to "artist" in translation.)

Medium - 

Size (dimensions) - 

Year - 


I know about title and artist as mentioned above but to make things easier for search and to upload products via CSV is it better to have Medium, Size and Year as features or attributes?





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Ok, Never mind.

I released that it had to be feature. Attribute is constant for the customer to pick.

For example T-Shirt Size, attribute will be if the customer picks S, M, L, XL, XXL etc

and Feature would be something like Made in Bangladesh or 100% Cotton.


So in my question above I would be using Features.

Sorry for the post.

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