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Return to product page that you arrived from

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If my product range spans over a couple of pages (i.e. 1000 products that are displayed over 25 pages) and lets say I view a product on page 5, I have found no hint that allows me to go back to the page 5 overview. Hitting the Back button in explorer then takes me back to page 1 of the selection. Quick view is not a problem, as clicking outside the highlighted window will take you back. However, going to actually “view product” does not give you an option to return to the page you were on. Is there any way to do this?


My test site is here:


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I thought of one solution - edit the product.tpl so that it does not contain link to the category but instead to go one step back in history with the help fo javascript.


This is not the ideal solution, because customer can open the product in a new window and then he won't be able to go one step back. But you can fiddle around with it..by using an if statement for example.

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