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New start for change in default theme...

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im new in prestashop.

i have install 1.6 and want to change many things , like :

1) Change background color of center column. not all of background just in the middle of screen behind the products.

2) Change background color of Header and Footer.

they two problems are for start , i have many other questions , but for start please help me for these.

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I second psfever. Also, I would recommend using the .scss file instead of the .css directly, as Prestashop supports compass. You just have to install it and run the auto-compiler, that will update the css upon saving the scss version :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

tanx. but problem is not solved.

and i liked your post , because i wan to say thank you for your attention.



ccc its disabled.

i want to change background color of center column. and then all other of background.


when i changing other variables like header color , its fine and working , and my broblem is on pagebackground color.

Edited by Vahid_PC (see edit history)
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