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Ajax or JS TypeError in BO under Firefox since upgrade from to

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Since I've made an upgrade from PS1.6.0.6 to the following error appears in BO under Firefox (v30.0) only (no error with Chrome (v35.0) or Opera (v22.0)).

TypeError: s is undefined
Line 41 
return s.getItem(a1);

The consequences are (briefly):

  • TTop-left animated Ajax icon don't stop loading
  • Main menu's sub-items are not displayed, then only the first sub-item is displayed and reachable (for example [catalog]>[articles] is displayed but [catalog]>[category] is not and the following also)
  • article tabs are displayed but are not reachable (but the default one: "information"),
  • unfortunatly i spent the week seeking a solution before posting here

Need of your brilliant ideas before downgrading back to


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Ola El Patron,


Thanks for your fast reply,

I agree with you about reverting back (especially since it works in another browser).

Maybe I've forget something important, it is that the shop is not open yet, then all datas are empty except only one customer and with a few cancelled orders.

then if you could post the link to your forge report here we can then vote it up/follow/comment.

Here it is : http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-2632

Sorry for my poor english.


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  • 4 months later...

For info (theforge was closed) I had the same issue windows ff30 & mac ff30.1.1 after upgrade from to


I resolved this by reducing the caching level at cloudflare from aggressive to basic & with no rocket enabled.


Now the shop seems to run faster than before.


Hope this helps someone in a similar situation to mine (not sure if you had 3rd party caching)

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