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I just tried to remove Fanpage Likebox from the Home page only. Home page of the website didn't include right column before I installed Fanpage Likebox. I wanted to keep Fanpage Likebox only on the product pages which included right column.

I used Live Edit feature in the Positioning and used Trash Can icon to delete the module from the Home page. The module was deleted but not only it. All content of the right column including the column itself on the product pages is gone.

Is there any explanation of what happened and a solution to bring the column with its content back?


Best regards,

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Thank you, Vekia. Sorry for my late response.

Your advice helped me to solve my problem.

I had used:

Modules > Positions Edit  > Exceptions > Index

to remove the module from the index page.

It works very well.

Unfortunately I had to rePosition manually the remaining blocks to the right column back.

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