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Error PHP en configuracion de hooks de modulos

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En Prestashop 1.6, configurando los hooks para lso módulos, se queda la pantalla en blanco y me arroja este error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined method Dispatcher::getModuleControllers() in /var/www/vhosts/rsxracingsolutions.com/httpdocs/shop/controllers/admin/AdminModulesPositionsController.php on line 451



¿A alguien más le pasa?


Gracias!!! :)

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Buenos días,


¿Has probado a subir de nuevo las carpetas /classes/ y /controllers/ de una versión limpia de Prestashop 1.6.x?


Lo ideal sería que eliminaras completamente esas carpetas, y volvieras a subirlas de una versión limpia descargada de la web oficial.


¿Este Prestashop viene de una actualización, verdad?

Edited by Loadinges (see edit history)
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gracias por responder!

No, no viene de una actualización, ...creo recordar que lo instalé desde el panel de control del hsoting, en aplicaciones predeterminadas o algo así se llamaba..


Pruebo a machacar las carpetas, gracias! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buenas de nuevo!


¿Soy el único que tiene problemas con las posiciones de los módulos ?? Prestashop 1.6


Estoy subiendo una instalación nueva, limpia y fresca, recién descargada de Prestashop  :D

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No eres el único, me parece a mí. Además tú y yo, hay al menos una persona más. Y lo que es extraño contactar con el apoyo Prestashop y dicen que no es un bug. Parece que varias personas tienen el mismo problema. 


Tengo el mismo problema reportado en este enlace:


Pero para usted, el problema fue resuelto mediante la instalación de una nueva versión?

Edited by promaniaeurope (see edit history)
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Yo estoy en las mismas. Tengo prestashop, instalación nueva, y al intentar insertar nuevo hook da Fatal error: Call to undefined method Dispatcher::getModuleControllers() in ***/controllers/admin/AdminModulesPositionsController.php on line 451


He subido de nuevo las carpertas /classes/ y /controllers/ pero no se ha solucionado

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Yo estaba en las mismas. Tengo prestashop, instalación nueva, y al intentar insertar nuevo hook daba Fatal error: Call to undefined method Dispatcher::getModuleControllers() in ***/controllers/admin/AdminModulesPositionsController.php on line 451


He cambiado la línea en cuestión la 451:


                 $all_modules_controllers = Dispatcher::getModuleControllers($type);




                 $all_modules_controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers($type);


y se ha solucionado

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I now, and doing nothing, I can not get into the Backoffice. When I try to log displays this error:


Fatal error: Class 'Dispatcher' not found in /var/www/vhosts/***.com/httpdocs/Backoffice/index.php on line 54



Below sending all the information I have in the doc Dispatcher




* 2007-2013 PrestaShop




* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)

* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.

* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:

* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to

* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email

* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.




* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer

* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your

* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.


*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>

*  @copyright  2007-2013 PrestaShop SA

*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)

*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA




 * @since 1.5.0


class DispatcherCore



* List of available front controllers types


const FC_FRONT = 1;

const FC_ADMIN = 2;

const FC_MODULE = 3;



* @var Dispatcher


public static $instance = null;



* @var array List of default routes


public $default_routes = array(

'category_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'category',

'rule' => '{id}-{rewrite}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_category'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



'supplier_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'supplier',

'rule' => '{id}__{rewrite}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_supplier'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



'manufacturer_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'manufacturer',

'rule' => '{id}_{rewrite}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_manufacturer'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



'cms_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'cms',

'rule' => 'content/{id}-{rewrite}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_cms'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



'cms_category_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'cms',

'rule' => 'content/category/{id}-{rewrite}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_cms_category'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



'module' => array(

'controller' => null,

'rule' => 'module/{module}{/:controller}',

'keywords' => array(

'module' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9_-]+', 'param' => 'module'),

'controller' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9_-]+', 'param' => 'controller'),


'params' => array(

'fc' => 'module',



'product_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'product',

'rule' => '{category:/}{id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_product'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'ean13' => array('regexp' => '[0-9\pL]*'),

'category' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'categories' => array('regexp' => '[/_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'reference' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'manufacturer' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'supplier' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'price' => array('regexp' => '[0-9\.,]*'),

'tags' => array('regexp' => '[a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),



// Must be after the product and category rules in order to avoid conflict

'layered_rule' => array(

'controller' => 'category',

'rule' => '{id}-{rewrite}{/:selected_filters}',

'keywords' => array(

'id' => array('regexp' => '[0-9]+', 'param' => 'id_category'),

/* Selected filters is used by the module blocklayered */

'selected_filters' => array('regexp' => '.*', 'param' => 'selected_filters'),

'rewrite' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_keywords' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),

'meta_title' => array('regexp' => '[_a-zA-Z0-9-\pL]*'),






* @var bool If true, use routes to build URL (mod rewrite must be activated)


protected $use_routes = false;


protected $multilang_activated = false;



* @var array List of loaded routes


protected $routes = array();



* @var string Current controller name


protected $controller;



* @var string Current request uri


protected $request_uri;



* @var array Store empty route (a route with an empty rule)


protected $empty_route;



* @var string Set default controller, which will be used if http parameter 'controller' is empty


protected $default_controller = 'index';



* @var string Controller to use if found controller doesn't exist


protected $controller_not_found = 'pagenotfound';



* @var string Front controller to use


protected $front_controller = self::FC_FRONT;



* Get current instance of dispatcher (singleton)


* @return Dispatcher


public static function getInstance()


if (!self::$instance)

self::$instance = new Dispatcher();

return self::$instance;




* Need to be instancied from getInstance() method


protected function __construct()


$this->use_routes = (bool)Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS');


// Select right front controller

if (defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_'))


$this->front_controller = self::FC_ADMIN;

$this->controller_not_found = 'adminnotfound';

$this->default_controller = 'adminhome';


elseif (Tools::getValue('fc') == 'module')


$this->front_controller = self::FC_MODULE;

$this->controller_not_found = 'pagenotfound';

$this->default_controller = 'default';




$this->front_controller = self::FC_FRONT;

$this->controller_not_found = 'pagenotfound';

$this->default_controller = 'index';





// Switch language if needed (only on front)

if (in_array($this->front_controller, array(self::FC_FRONT, self::FC_MODULE)))



if (Language::isMultiLanguageActivated())

$this->multilang_activated = true;






* Find the controller and instantiate it


public function dispatch()


$controller_class = '';


// Get current controller


if (!$this->controller)

$this->controller = $this->default_controller;

// Dispatch with right front controller

switch ($this->front_controller)


// Dispatch front office controller

case self::FC_FRONT :

$controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers(array(_PS_FRONT_CONTROLLER_DIR_, _PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_.'controllers/front/'));


$controllers['index'] = 'IndexController';

if (isset($controllers['auth']))

$controllers['authentication'] = $controllers['auth'];

if (isset($controllers['compare']))

$controllers['productscomparison'] = $controllers['compare'];

if (isset($controllers['contact']))

$controllers['contactform'] = $controllers['contact'];


if (!isset($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)]))

$this->controller = $this->controller_not_found;

$controller_class = $controllers[strtolower($this->controller)];

$params_hook_action_dispatcher = array('controller_type' => self::FC_FRONT, 'controller_class' => $controller_class, 'is_module' => 0);



// Dispatch module controller for front office

case self::FC_MODULE :

$module_name = Validate::isModuleName(Tools::getValue('module')) ? Tools::getValue('module') : '';

$module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name);

$controller_class = 'PageNotFoundController';

if (Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->active)


$controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$module_name.'/controllers/front/');

if (isset($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)]))



$controller_class = $module_name.$this->controller.'ModuleFrontController';



$params_hook_action_dispatcher = array('controller_type' => self::FC_FRONT, 'controller_class' => $controller_class, 'is_module' => 1);



// Dispatch back office controller + module back office controller

case self::FC_ADMIN :

$tab = Tab::getInstanceFromClassName($this->controller);

$retrocompatibility_admin_tab = null;


if ($tab->module)


if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$tab->module.'/'.$tab->class_name.'.php'))

$retrocompatibility_admin_tab = _PS_MODULE_DIR_.$tab->module.'/'.$tab->class_name.'.php';



$controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$tab->module.'/controllers/admin/');

if (!isset($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)]))


$this->controller = $this->controller_not_found;

$controller_class = 'AdminNotFoundController';




// Controllers in modules can be named AdminXXX.php or AdminXXXController.php


$controller_class = $controllers[strtolower($this->controller)].(strpos($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)], 'Controller') ? '' : 'Controller');



$params_hook_action_dispatcher = array('controller_type' => self::FC_ADMIN, 'controller_class' => $controller_class, 'is_module' => 1);




$controllers = Dispatcher::getControllers(array(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/tabs/', _PS_ADMIN_CONTROLLER_DIR_, _PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_.'controllers/admin/'));


if (!isset($controllers[strtolower($this->controller)]))

$this->controller = $this->controller_not_found;

$controller_class = $controllers[strtolower($this->controller)];

$params_hook_action_dispatcher = array('controller_type' => self::FC_ADMIN, 'controller_class' => $controller_class, 'is_module' => 0);


if (file_exists(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/tabs/'.$controller_class.'.php'))

$retrocompatibility_admin_tab = _PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/tabs/'.$controller_class.'.php';



// @retrocompatibility with admin/tabs/ old system

if ($retrocompatibility_admin_tab)




runAdminTab($this->controller, !empty($_REQUEST['ajaxMode']));





default :

throw new PrestaShopException('Bad front controller chosen');



// Instantiate controller



// Loading controller

$controller = Controller::getController($controller_class);


// Execute hook dispatcher

if (isset($params_hook_action_dispatcher))

Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $params_hook_action_dispatcher);


// Running controller



catch (PrestaShopException $e)







* Set request uri and iso lang


protected function setRequestUri()


// Get request uri (HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL is used by IIS)

if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))

$this->request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL']))

$this->request_uri = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'];

$this->request_uri = rawurldecode($this->request_uri);


$this->request_uri = preg_replace('#^'.preg_quote(Context::getContext()->shop->getBaseURI(), '#').'#i', '/', $this->request_uri);


// If there are several languages, get language from uri

if ($this->use_routes && Language::isMultiLanguageActivated())

if (preg_match('#^/([a-z]{2})/?#', $this->request_uri, $m))


$_GET['isolang'] = $m[1];

$this->request_uri = substr($this->request_uri, 3);





* Load default routes group by languages


protected function loadRoutes($id_shop = null)


$context = Context::getContext();


// Load custom routes from modules

$modules_routes = Hook::exec('moduleRoutes', array('id_shop' => $id_shop), null, true, false);

if (is_array($modules_routes) && count($modules_routes))

foreach($modules_routes as $module_route)

foreach($module_route as $route => $route_details)

if (array_key_exists('controller', $route_details) && array_key_exists('rule', $route_details) 

&& array_key_exists('keywords', $route_details) && array_key_exists('params', $route_details))


if (!isset($this->default_routes[$route]))

$this->default_routes[$route] = array();

$this->default_routes[$route] = array_merge($this->default_routes[$route], $route_details);



// Set default routes

foreach (Language::getLanguages() as $lang)

foreach ($this->default_routes as $id => $route)







isset($route['params']) ? $route['params'] : array(),




// Load the custom routes prior the defaults to avoid infinite loops

if ($this->use_routes)


// Get iso lang

$iso_lang = Tools::getValue('isolang');

$id_lang = $context->language->id;

if (!empty($iso_lang))

$id_lang = Language::getIdByIso($iso_lang);


// Load routes from meta table

$sql = 'SELECT m.page, ml.url_rewrite, ml.id_lang

FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'meta` m

LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'meta_lang` ml ON (m.id_meta = ml.id_meta'.Shop::addSqlRestrictionOnLang('ml', $id_shop).')

ORDER BY LENGTH(ml.url_rewrite) DESC';

if ($results = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql))

foreach ($results as $row)


if ($row['url_rewrite'])

$this->addRoute($row['page'], $row['url_rewrite'], $row['page'], $row['id_lang'], array(), array(), $id_shop);



// Set default empty route if no empty route (that's weird I know)

if (!$this->empty_route)

$this->empty_route = array(

'routeID' => 'index',

'rule' => '',

'controller' => 'index',



// Load custom routes

foreach ($this->default_routes as $route_id => $route_data)

if ($custom_route = Configuration::get('PS_ROUTE_'.$route_id, null, null, $id_shop))

foreach (Language::getLanguages() as $lang)







isset($route_data['params']) ? $route_data['params'] : array(),








* @param string $route_id Name of the route (need to be uniq, a second route with same name will override the first)

* @param string $rule Url rule

* @param string $controller Controller to call if request uri match the rule

* @param int $id_lang

  * @param int $id_shop


public function addRoute($route_id, $rule, $controller, $id_lang = null, array $keywords = array(), array $params = array(), $id_shop = null)


if ($id_lang === null)

$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;


if ($id_shop === null)

$id_shop = (int)Context::getContext()->shop->id;


$regexp = preg_quote($rule, '#');

if ($keywords)


$transform_keywords = array();

preg_match_all('#\\\{(([^{}]*)\\\ :)?('.implode('|', array_keys($keywords)).')(\\\ :([^{}]*))?\\\}#', $regexp, $m);

for ($i = 0, $total = count($m[0]); $i < $total; $i++)


$prepend = $m[2][$i];

$keyword = $m[3][$i];

$append = $m[5][$i];

$transform_keywords[$keyword] = array(

'required' => isset($keywords[$keyword]['param']),

'prepend' => stripslashes($prepend),

'append' => stripslashes($append),



$prepend_regexp = $append_regexp = '';

if ($prepend || $append)


$prepend_regexp = '('.preg_quote($prepend);

$append_regexp = preg_quote($append).')?';



if (isset($keywords[$keyword]['param']))

$regexp = str_replace($m[0][$i], $prepend_regexp.'(?P<'.$keywords[$keyword]['param'].'>'.$keywords[$keyword]['regexp'].')'.$append_regexp, $regexp);


$regexp = str_replace($m[0][$i], $prepend_regexp.'('.$keywords[$keyword]['regexp'].')'.$append_regexp, $regexp);



$keywords = $transform_keywords;



$regexp = '#^/'.$regexp.'(\?.*)?$#u';

if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop]))

$this->routes[$id_shop] = array();

if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang]))

$this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang] = array();


$this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id] = array(

'rule' => $rule,

'regexp' => $regexp,

'controller' => $controller,

'keywords' => $keywords,

'params' => $params,





* Check if a route exists


* @param string $route_id

* @param int $id_lang

  * @param int $id_shop

* @return bool


public function hasRoute($route_id, $id_lang = null, $id_shop = null)


if ($id_lang === null)

$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;

if ($id_shop === null)

$id_shop = (int)Context::getContext()->shop->id;


return isset($this->routes[$id_shop]) && isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang]) && isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id]);




* Check if a keyword is written in a route rule


* @param string $route_id

* @param int $id_lang

* @param string $keyword

  * @param int $id_shop

* @return bool


public function hasKeyword($route_id, $id_lang, $keyword, $id_shop = null)


if ($id_shop === null)

$id_shop = (int)Context::getContext()->shop->id;


if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop]))



if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop]) || !isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang]) || !isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id]))

return false;


return preg_match('#\{([^{}]* :)?'.preg_quote($keyword, '#').'(:[^{}]*)?\}#', $this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id]['rule']);




* Check if a route rule contain all required keywords of default route definition


* @param string $route_id

* @param string $rule Rule to verify

* @param array $errors List of missing keywords


public function validateRoute($route_id, $rule, &$errors = array())


$errors = array();

if (!isset($this->default_routes[$route_id]))

return false;


foreach ($this->default_routes[$route_id]['keywords'] as $keyword => $data)

if (isset($data['param']) && !preg_match('#\{([^{}]* :)?'.$keyword.'(:[^{}]*)?\}#', $rule))

$errors[] = $keyword;


return (count($errors)) ? false : true;




* Create an url from


* @param string $route_id Name the route

* @param int $id_lang

* @param array $params

* @param bool $use_routes If false, don't use to create this url

* @param string $anchor Optional anchor to add at the end of this url


public function createUrl($route_id, $id_lang = null, array $params = array(), $force_routes = false, $anchor = '', $id_shop = null)


if ($id_lang === null)

$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;

if ($id_shop === null)

$id_shop = (int)Context::getContext()->shop->id;


if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop]))



if (!isset($this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id]))


$query = http_build_query($params, '', '&');

$index_link = $this->use_routes ? '' : 'index.php';

return ($route_id == 'index') ? $index_link.(($query) ? '?'.$query : '') : ( 'index.php?controller='.$route_id).(($query) ? '&'.$query : '').$anchor;


$route = $this->routes[$id_shop][$id_lang][$route_id];

// Check required fields

$query_params = isset($route['params']) ? $route['params'] : array();

foreach ($route['keywords'] as $key => $data)


if (!$data['required'])



if (!array_key_exists($key, $params))

die('Dispatcher::createUrl() miss required parameter "'.$key.'" for route "'.$route_id.'"');

if (isset($this->default_routes[$route_id]))

$query_params[$this->default_routes[$route_id]['keywords'][$key]['param']] = $params[$key];



// Build an url which match a route

if ($this->use_routes || $force_routes)



$url = $route['rule'];

$add_param = array();


foreach ($params as $key => $value)


if (!isset($route['keywords'][$key]))


if (!isset($this->default_routes[$route_id]['keywords'][$key]))

$add_param[$key] = $value;




if ($params[$key])

$replace = $route['keywords'][$key]['prepend'].$params[$key].$route['keywords'][$key]['append'];


$replace = '';

$url = preg_replace('#\{([^{}]* :)?'.$key.'(:[^{}]*)?\}#', $replace, $url);



$url = preg_replace('#\{([^{}]* :)?[a-z0-9_]+?(:[^{}]*)?\}#', '', $url);

if (count($add_param))

$url .= '?'.http_build_query($add_param, '', '&');


// Build a classic url index.php?controller=foo&...



$add_params = array();

foreach ($params as $key => $value)

if (!isset($route['keywords'][$key]) && !isset($this->default_routes[$route_id]['keywords'][$key]))

$add_params[$key] = $value;


if (!empty($route['controller']))

$query_params['controller'] = $route['controller'];

$query = http_build_query(array_merge($add_params, $query_params), '', '&');

if ($this->multilang_activated)

$query .= (!empty($query) ? '&' : '').'id_lang='.(int)$id_lang;

$url = 'index.php?'.$query;




return $url.$anchor;




* Retrieve the controller from url or request uri if routes are activated


* @return string


public function getController($id_shop = null)


if (defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_'))

$_GET['controllerUri'] = Tools::getvalue('controller');

if ($this->controller)


$_GET['controller'] = $this->controller;

return $this->controller;



if ($id_shop === null)

$id_shop = (int)Context::getContext()->shop->id;


$controller = Tools::getValue('controller');


if (isset($controller) && is_string($controller) && preg_match('/^([0-9a-z_-]+)\?(.*)=(.*)$/Ui', $controller, $m))


$controller = $m[1];

if (isset($_GET['controller']))

$_GET[$m[2]] = $m[3];

else if (isset($_POST['controller']))

$_POST[$m[2]] = $m[3];



if (!Validate::isControllerName($controller))

$controller = false;


// Use routes ? (for url rewriting)

if ($this->use_routes && !$controller && !defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_'))


if (!$this->request_uri)

return strtolower($this->controller_not_found);

$controller = $this->controller_not_found;


// If the request_uri matches a static file, then there is no need to check the routes, we keep "controller_not_found" (a static file should not go through the dispatcher) 

if (!preg_match('/\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|ico)$/i', $this->request_uri))


// Add empty route as last route to prevent this greedy regexp to match request uri before right time

if ($this->empty_route)

$this->addRoute($this->empty_route['routeID'], $this->empty_route['rule'], $this->empty_route['controller'], Context::getContext()->language->id, array(), array(), $id_shop);


if (isset($this->routes[$id_shop][Context::getContext()->language->id]))

foreach ($this->routes[$id_shop][Context::getContext()->language->id] as $route)

if (preg_match($route['regexp'], $this->request_uri, $m))


// Route found ! Now fill $_GET with parameters of uri

foreach ($m as $k => $v)

if (!is_numeric($k))

$_GET[$k] = $v;


$controller = $route['controller'] ? $route['controller'] : $_GET['controller'];

if (!empty($route['params']))

foreach ($route['params'] as $k => $v)

$_GET[$k] = $v;


// A patch for module friendly urls

if (preg_match('#module-([a-z0-9_-]+)-([a-z0-9]+)$#i', $controller, $m))


$_GET['module'] = $m[1];

$_GET['fc'] = 'module';

$controller = $m[2];



if (isset($_GET['fc']) && $_GET['fc'] == 'module')

$this->front_controller = self::FC_MODULE;





if ($controller == 'index' || $this->request_uri == '/index.php') 

$controller = $this->default_controller;

$this->controller = $controller;


// Default mode, take controller from url


$this->controller = $controller;


$this->controller = str_replace('-', '', $this->controller);

$_GET['controller'] = $this->controller;

return $this->controller;




* Get list of all available FO controllers


* @var mixed $dirs

* @return array


public static function getControllers($dirs)


if (!is_array($dirs))

$dirs = array($dirs);


$controllers = array();

foreach ($dirs as $dir)

$controllers = array_merge($controllers, Dispatcher::getControllersInDirectory($dir));

return $controllers;




* Get list of available controllers from the specified dir


* @param string dir directory to scan (recursively)

* @return array


public static function getControllersInDirectory($dir)


if (!is_dir($dir))

return array();


$controllers = array();

$controller_files = scandir($dir);

foreach ($controller_files as $controller_filename)


if ($controller_filename[0] != '.')


if (!strpos($controller_filename, '.php') && is_dir($dir.$controller_filename))

$controllers += Dispatcher::getControllersInDirectory($dir.$controller_filename.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

elseif ($controller_filename != 'index.php')


$key = str_replace(array('controller.php', '.php'), '', strtolower($controller_filename));

$controllers[$key] = basename($controller_filename, '.php');





return $controllers;





public static function getControllers($type = 'all', $module = null)


$modules_controllers = array();

if (is_null($module))

$modules = Module::getModulesOnDisk(true);

else if (!is_array($modules))

$modules = array(Module::getInstanceByName($module));



$modules = array();

foreach ($module as $_mod)

$modules[] = Module::getInstanceByName($_mod);



foreach ($modules as $mod)


foreach (Dispatcher::getControllersInDirectory(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$mod->name.'/controllers/') as $controller)


if ($type == 'admin')


if (strpos($controller, 'Admin') !== false)

$modules_controllers[$mod->name][] = $controller;


else if ($type == 'front')


if (strpos($controller, 'Admin') === false)

$modules_controllers[$mod->name][] = $controller;



$modules_controllers[$mod->name][] = $controller;



return $modules_controllers;


Edited by promaniaeurope (see edit history)
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I've made my decision. 


I thank all the commitment and effort to help solve a series of problems and errors. 


Were all kind and helpful muiuto. 


I request the closure of this post. 


There was an update. 

I installed the latest. Blacked out and went back to install. But the errors are the same. Only errors and problems are enough for me to have to make certain decisions, as in nowhere nobody can help me. It is unfortunate and very sad.

Conclusion: solved nothing because nobody helps.

Edited by promaniaeurope (see edit history)
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