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Problem displaying arrays on .tpl

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HI evrybody!!. Using PS I´m having some trouble passing a query result from my hand-made module, using th .tpl... I´ll put the example and you´ll understand better.

This is the PHP on the "mymodule.php"

public function hookProductFooter($params)

		global $smarty;
		$libroID = Tools::getvalue('id_product');		
		switch ($libroID) {
			case 476:		
			$libroarray = array(307,303,302,306);
			foreach ($libroarray as $librorow) 
				$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image WHERE `id_product` = '.$librorow;
				$results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql)	;
					foreach ($results as $row) 
						$var = $row['id_image'].' :: '.$row['id_product'].'<br />';						
			$this->smarty->assign('libros', $var);
			return $this->display(__FILE__, 'mymodule.tpl');

And this is the code on "mymodule.tpl"

{foreach $libros as $item}

This displays on the products page at the bottom:


322 :: 306


This are the last result of the array. where '306' is the last number of the first array($libroarray),
and '322' is the result of the query that should run for eah of the numbes of that first array ($row['id_image'])...

I need to display all of the combination of that first array... here is the result I´m looking for:


389 :: 307

255 :: 303

560 :: 302

322 :: 306


Do I explain myself?  I know it has to be something really simple but I cant figure it out...

Please a little help?

Edited by TinoCas (see edit history)
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the problem is in this foreach loop:

foreach ($results as $row){
  $var = $row['id_image'].' :: '.$row['id_product'].'<br />';					

note that each loop of this foreach function changes $var variable value.

so you see last one only.


instead of $var =  try to use $var['element_nb']

where element_nb is an iteration value.


then you will be able to pass array, not single variable.

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Hi Vekia... thanks for your help, appreciate it... Unfortuantely, that doesnt do it. I have this now:

foreach ($libroarray as $librorow) 
				$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'image WHERE `id_product` = '.$librorow;
				$results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql)	;
					foreach ($results as $row) 
						$var['element_nb'] = $row['id_image'].' :: '.$row['id_product'].'<br />';						
			$this->smarty->assign('libros', $var);
			return $this->display(__FILE__, 'modulomarban.tpl');

and this is the .tpl

{foreach $libros as $item}

And still bringing the last result only.

I´m trying to build my own module where I can insert (using SWITCH/CASE) some Reletad products to each product. I´m doing it this way because, those realated products can be on different category than the parent and I want them to be display on a particular order... I was thinking of using an XML to load them, but still working on it, so the switch/case must do it...

I dont really know how to do what you say. I understand but I can´t figure out how it is done. Arrays arent my thing, actually I simply never knew how to work with them, allways drive me mental.

what do I have to do in this line after I change "$var= "  to  "$var['element_nb']" , what in my code is the 'element_nb'?

And I know this line would change also: "$this->smarty->assign('libros', $var);"  but , for what?

I am really sorry... but I know the key is on those 2 lines, but I cant get it to work... I tried all combinations I could think of...

Thanx for your help buddy!!




Guys, I finally worked it out... on the code above, just change "$var['element_nb']= " for just "$var[] = "... as simple as that!! Thanks Vekia for you help!!

I mark this as "Solved"

Edited by TinoCas (see edit history)
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