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Go, Mahjong, Shogi etc

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I sell traditional Asian Board Games in Sweden and elsewhere.
My long term plan is to be The Major resource for Europeans who wants to buy these kind of games.
I hope to be able to quit my day job within a year or so :-)

Most urgent todo's @ prestashop
- Show authors on product list
- Disable some carriers when certain products are choosen
- Get Moneybookers working

Most urgent todo's @ business
- Establish import channels with China and possibly other countries
- Advertise
- Start wholesaling

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Yes, they are great games in China. How are your things going?


Well, so-so.
Those games are not very well-known in Europe, so the market is not very big.
I have a good position for Go, where my focus is; I have more or less sole control over book sales because the European distributor normally accepts only one contact per country.
Major problem for me is to reach out to the general public, but I have good hopes about the future. :-)

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