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{SOLVED} Where best to upload product images via FTP?

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I am starting with a fresh install of
I will be uploading my images via FTP to the img folder, and would like to know if just putting them all in the root of the "P" folder would be sufficient. I see that there are a bunch of folders within the "P" folder from the various products that were included as demo products.
The names of the images correspond with the products I have in my store, and I know how to put the path in the csv I'll be uploading. Just want to get their proper location right the first time.

I guess in a nutshell, I'm asking where best to upload my product images to.

Thanks in advance! 

Edited by Bewitching (see edit history)
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 I usually just put them in the admin/import folder somewhere.The images are copied during import to the final (img/...) folder.  You can delete them from where you put them once the import is finished.


Thank you for the reply RogueWaveLimited!

OK, bear with me here please  :wacko:

If I upload via FTP all of my product images to, (say the folder you mentioned as an example), admin/import.

I then, in the csv I'm importing, put: "mysite.com/admin/import/abc.jpg, " as the image location. (For example).

From what I understand from your post, PrestaShop will locate the images as I listed them in the csv, and the re-locate them where they should be?

Are you following along with me? LOL

I hope my example was clear.

Thanks again in advance!

Edited by Bewitching (see edit history)
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From what I understand from your post, PrestaShop will locate the images as I listed them in the csv, and the re-locate them where they should be?

yes, this is how import works 

your pictures will be copied to new location

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Thank you so VERY much Vekia! It seems so simple, now that I know the solution. I am surprised it's not covered in the users manual for 1.6. I did look there and on the forums as well before I posted my question.
I shall mark this thread SOLVED !

Thanks again!

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  • 2 years later...

Not Exactly.  I'm using the latest version of PS.  I'm not sure why this should be so difficult.  I keep getting this error on upload.  

I uploaded 1 image titled 'red' to /public_html/admin1405/import.  Initially, my CSV file was pointing to http://www.buffaloapparel.net/public_html/admin1405/import/red.jpg.  That didn't work.  'No Image' was displayed.  Changed the permission on red.jpg, then a '?' was displayed.  Changed the name of the image file to 500, assuming that the file name has to be numeric and not alphanumeric.  Pointed my CSV to http://www.buffaloapparel.net/public_html/img/p/5/0/0.jpg, and get's the same results.  What am I doing wrong?  I've been at this off and on for 5 years now.  I get frustrated and have to walk away.  Now i'm back trying again, and still the same results.  Why isn't there any straight forward instructions on this subject in the PS documentations?  By the way, I'm using File Zilla to upload the images.


Any help you can provide, would be greatly appreciated.


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