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ASM real quantity is lower than physical quantity?

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Dear community


I ran into inconsistencies concerning the advanced stock management:

the amount for real quantity is lower than the physical and usable quantity.


What are the reasons-if there are any normal ones-that the real quantity can be lower than physical/usable quantity?

(Doc says: Real stock is therefore made of stock that is physically available in a warehouse, to which we add the quantity presently ordered from suppliers, and from which we subtract the quantity presently ordered by clients and which have not yet been shipped. .... but I have no active supply order in ASM nor an active order linked to the articles)

Is it possible that this could be due to the RMA process? Though I do not have any one open.



Please note that this inconsistency is only displayed if we display the quantities for all stocks in the advanced stock management/instant stock status. We use two difference stocks.

In a nutshell: if we do not use any filter and let PrestaShop display the stock status for all our articles then for the article in mind physical quantity has the value of four, usable quantity is four and real quantity is three. If you go into the filter for the first warehouse or quantities are the same: 4.




If I filter for the second warehouse only then all values are zero.




So I don’t understand why instant stock status displays one item less concerning real quantity than physical and usable quantity only if we do not filter for warehouses?



Edited by B.Köring (see edit history)
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The documentation says:

Real stock is therefore made of stock that is physically available in a warehouse, to which we add the quantity presently ordered from suppliers, and from which we subtract the quantity presently ordered by clients and which have not yet been shipped


. .... but I have no active supply order in ASM nor an active order linked to the articles.


So, I am asking the experts, since I tried to make use of supply orders in the past and ran some (tests) in the live shop until I noticed that items were added to the stock in double ammount ( I ordered 10 and 20 werde addes etc. you find more on this in the forum) I stopped using supply order function.

There is no active order in ASM, no RMA process open and no order related to one of the articles where


  • usable quantity is higher
  • usable quantity is lower

than physical one.


I am aksing whether I am allowed to match the ammounts in the DB manually?

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  • 1 year later...

Did you ever figure this out?  I'm using and running into the same problem.  Usable quantity does not match real quantity on a growing list of products.  There are no outstanding orders of these products and we don't use supply orders.  There doesn't seem to be an easy fix in the database.  I don't know where to turn.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 1 year later...

Problem is possible caused by having an order status which has not ticked the order shipped and validated. To solve this you have to make a new status with both ticked and move also orders to that status. And then fix the status causing the problem by ticking those boxes.

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Well probably you added a custom status right?


To solve this you have to make a new status with both ticked and move also orders to that status. And then fix the status causing the problem by ticking those boxes.



7th tickbox under a status but you have to move the orders to a new status otherwise it does not work....

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