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Some beginner questions (authorize, carriers, and more)

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Hi all,

I'm on the hunt for a lightweight cart solution for PHP. Magento looks a little heavy, and WP+woocommerce seems like overkill.

I'm installing and experimenting with it now, but have a few questions:

  1. It looks like the default/certified authorize.net gateway only supports AIM (instead of DPM or SIM). WTF why? AIM is a PCI compliance nightmare. Any free modules that support SIM or even DPM instead? I found a few for $100+ but this seemed like such a basic module that I'm annoyed. (Other cart platforms you can purchase a module like that for $25 or less).

  2. I'm having trouble adding carriers. When I try to add a 2nd carrier, when I click on the Step 2 "shipping locations and costs" nothing happens. It just sits on that same page. ( I did fill out mandatory fields)

  3. Haven't dug into this yet - but are there built in carrier calculations using the UPS/USPS api's?

  4. On the checkout page, how difficult is it to quickly show a shipping estimate before users register?

Thanks all, I'll continue to do my research, but these are the first roadblocks I've run into.

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