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can not align text

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On all my blocks on the left side, my text is not aligned to left. And have tried a few things, but seems not to work.

Any sugesstion?


Also how can i add "add to cart" button on the homepage under featured products


Can i also change the language from that button?


Thanks in advance

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Can you add your URL to the website, so we can see the shop-pages ourselves? This way, helping with the alignment can be much more to the point.


Vekia has an article how to add the add to cart button to the featured products here:



Reading the code he adds, you can then translate the 'add to cart' in the customization->translations, installed module translations (+ choose your theme here)-> ('homefeatured' module block translation strings)


hope this helps,


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Thanks for the fast answer...




I have already read the article from Vekia. And i have tried to change the css file as he told. But nothing seems to happen...


And do you also know, why when i add the hook new products on my homepage, i can only see a list of products (as you can see on the left side) so no photo's, just plain text.


I made this theme with thememaker, and after that some problems

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i checked your website and texts are aligned to the left hand side

problem solved?



and regarding to my article, yeap, dioniz got it, it's a different module (with different name, but with the same functions i suppose) 

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Yeah thank you guy's!! my previous them was from ot, and the new one, from prestashop theme creator.


Just one thing


You can see on the left, some block with "nieuwe producten" (new products) as you can see it give a list with text, not like featured products with image. Normaly i set this on my homepage itself, above the featured products, and not in the left collum.


So how can i change the look of the newproducts? i want to have it like the featured products..


and thank you verry much for your hulp, this one of the reason i stay with prestashop!

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THANK YOU, i would never have found it without the help of you guys.



Just one question!:

How can i display the new products on the main page (not in left collum) in grid view, because when i tried to put it somewhere it's always showing in list view...

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