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How to modify invoice in Prestashop

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Dear friends,


I'd like to modify invoice template in Prestashop, I'm using default theme. I was playing with invoice.tpl and product-list.tpl, but without success.


Items to solve (please see the attachment):


1. How to show column with prices before discount (tax included)? If the product has no discount, than it is OK.


2. How to show "Discount Total" at the end of invoice?


3. I'd like to change order number to something with numbers. How and where can I do this? It would be great if this number would be the same as the Invoice number.


4. How to delete a name of the country at the end of page? In my case it shows "Slovenia".


IMPORTANT: I know a lot about html+css, but Prestashop (sql, php...etc.) is a new world to me.



Thank you for help!  :) 


Best regards!



Edited by Cantilever (see edit history)
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Hi guys

I need to widen the invoice column in payments to display


'347,00 € '

and not 





and  to display


'1001,00 €'


and not 




on different lines.


BUT, I read in the invoice.tpl file that ............

Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your
* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.
Yes I would like to upgrade PrestaShop in the future but then my settings will change so is there a way around this 'hitch'
Thanks for any advice
Kind regards
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I have 

$smarty = Context::getContext()->smarty;
public static function clearColorListCache($id_product = false)
// Change template dir if called from the BackOffice
$current_template_dir = Context::getContext()->smarty->getTemplateDir();
Tools::clearCache(null, 'product-list-colors.tpl', ($id_product ? 'productlist_colors|'.(int)$id_product.'|'.(int)Context::getContext()->shop->id : 'productlist_colors'));
You suggested 
return str_replace (' ', ' ', Tools::displayPrice($params['price']));
on the last row in Tools::displayPriceSmarty method.
I don't find the Tools::displayPriceSmarty method
File: /www/PrestaShop/classes/Tools.php
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Ok I found ...


public static function displayPriceSmarty($params, &$smarty)
if (array_key_exists('currency', $params))
$currency = Currency::getCurrencyInstance((int)($params['currency']));
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($currency))
return Tools::displayPrice($params['price'], $currency, false);
return Tools::displayPrice($params['price']);
so you suggested adding under 
on the last row in Tools::displayPriceSmarty method
return str_replace (' ', ' ', Tools::displayPrice($params['price']));

I don't see the exact wording 'Tools::displayPriceSmarty '

could you give an example please? 

Thanks , I am not a coder so don't want to mess up th site....

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