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Price percent reduction small in Shopping Cart incorrect

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Hi, yes good alternative.

Where could we find cart-summary.js please?

Answer: \themes\default-bootstrap\js :P


My problem is  that the reduction on the screen in the final cart is different than the original recuction on the product ....

For example : 20% became 4% on the basket, but older price and news price are good in the two pages !

Edited by masquelier.camille (see edit history)
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I've tried to delete line 760 the "'+ priceReductionPercent +'%" in my cart-summary.js; but the % is still here in red ....


As if i delete the entire line :"initial_price_text = '<span class="price-percent-reduction small">'+priceReductionPercent+'%</span><span class="old-price">' + initial_price + '</span>'"


Nothing change .... stange no?


Edit: if i delet the cart-summary.js: nothing chnag in my cart also ?!

Edited by masquelier.camille (see edit history)
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