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understanding db tables ps_stock & ps_stock_available

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I got a concern with undertanding how Prestashop 1.6 deals with stock and the availability to custumers. Especially in relation to the front office presentation of availability in the default bootstrap template.


Issue is this:


I got an article that is 'bound' to the advanced stock management. This is the case for all other articles in our shop sind several months.

This article's stock is represented differently in the db in the two tables I know about dealing with stock numbers.








Now, when a customer goes to the product it is said it is avaible to buy but not on stock and processing time will be longer. All fine.


But when I go into the BO and have a look at the articles stock number it look like this:







The BO says I still have two items in stock. Once again, I only use advanced stock management and if I understand things correctly the table ps_stock is then 'deprecated'.


So, the settings the DB seem to be those that trigger what is displayed (to the customer) on the front office.

But what the heck has an impact on the display in the BO?


Is there something wrong with BO template , FO template, my DB (it came from PS 1.4 via PS 1.5 to now).



Edited by B.Köring (see edit history)
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it is me again reffering to my old topic.


We still have numbers of articles where there is a mismatch concerning these two tables:

  • ps_stock
  • ps_stock_available

There are no open orders and no supply orders in the system as far as I can tell.

So, in a nutshell, these tables should match, right?!


My problem is that I changed quantity in ps_stock_available in the DB in order to match quantity in ps_stock


Prestashop's advanced stock management as my addon module SC Commander do not pick up this change in the field ps_stock_available?!


Any ideas?


Thanks alot!

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