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Populate Variables for the Google dataLayer

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We use Google Tag Manager, and need to populate ONLY two variables in the dataLayer which is to be placed on the Order Confirmation page:



dataLayer = [{
 'transactionId': 'VARIABLE HERE', // order ID - required
 'transactionAffiliation': '', // affiliation or store name
 'transactionTotal': VARIABLE HERE, // total - required
 'transactionTax': , // tax
 'transactionShipping': , // shipping

// transactionProducts is an array that needs to be populated by your ecommerce
// variables for each purchased product, where your ecommerce engine loops through
// each item in the cart and adds the variables below for each product, until all
// products are included. If you already have a loop set up for the original
// Google Analytics Ecommerce code, you should simply be able to swap out the
// dataLayer code for the old Google Analytics Ecommerce Code.

 'transactionProducts': [{
 'sku': '',
 'name': '',
 'category': '',
 'price': ,

 'sku': '',
 'category': '',
 'price': ,





How would it be possible to get those variables inserted to the code above?


We are on PS

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