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show multiple stocks quantities for a product

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I'm trying to configure Prestashop to manage this situation:

- 2 physical stores ( = 2 different stock locations)

- 1 website


I've set up the Advanced stock management but I haven't been able to show how many pieces of a product I have for each stock. Where can I see that? I need to be able to locate where a product is..

Do I need an additional module for that?


If I set the multistore option, can I link each stock to each store? How?


Thank you in advance,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yep, same problem here.


I need to be able to differentiate between 2 stock locations because the delivery time is different and I want to show the delivery time when a customer places an order.


If I can supply from 1 location, the delivery time is 1-3 days, but if if I first have to ship products from 1 store to the other so the order can be supplied as 1 package, the the delivery time is generally 4-6 days.


I cannot use 1.6 yet because that doesn't seem to work properly with the idealcheckout payment module just yet.

So if anybody has a suggestion how to do this in PS 1.5.xxx I would be very happy.

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