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Customer Support IMAP Sync Automation / Duration?

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Hi, I would like some one to shed some light on the Customer Services address inbox IMAP Syncing functionality. I have set-up everything correctly so the emails are going out and emails are being retrieved just fine. So there's NOTHING wrong with my settings.


My question is basically on the functionality of the "Sync" button.


Is there a way for PrestaShop to automatically retrieve IMAP messages from my customer services email address? I mean I know I have to press the "Sync" Button in order to get the emails (or email thread replies) from my customer services email inbox (which works fine). But What if I don't press the sync button?


How long does PrestaShop take to automatically retrieve IMAP messages? 


Is there a way to set up a cron job for this action to be performed?



Here's the scenario;


  1. My domain's Email is Hosted at Google Apps. I have two email addresses. 1. [email protected] and [email protected]
  2. My store email is set to "[email protected]" (under Preferences > Store Contacts > Store Contact Details.
  3. I have set up SMTP server for sending emails from PrestaShop using Google Apps SMTP Settings using email addresses [email protected]. (Under Advance Settings > Email)
  4. So the emails generated are from user [email protected] with reply-to address of [email protected]. So customers can reply to notifcations directly from their inbox - fine up till now.
  5. Now under customer services, I have set the IMAP retrieval from [email protected].
  6. I press "sync" button at the bottom of the page "Customers > Customer Services". The mail is being retrieved and listed in the Customer Support Section in PrestaShop.


Here is what I did. I replied from [email protected] to one of the emails generated by my shop that had an issue #. I check the inbox [email protected] and the email was there. But not in PrestaShop (didn't press the sync button). Then I sent another email from [email protected] to [email protected] and checked [email protected] inbox and the email was there but not in prestashop (didn't press the sync button). Then I waited for almost 4 hours to see if PrestaShop would bother fetching new emails from [email protected], while doing my other stuff in Back Office and Front Office, but it didn't retrieve the new emails until I pressed sync after 4 hours.



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