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[Solved] remove/disable description of sub-categories

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Hi all

well, what I want is to disable or remove the description of sub-categories when we are in the parent category

for example: I have the Men, women and kids categories with many subcategories like tennis, football, cycling...

if i click on the men category, i have also the su-vategories but with their description which is too long! I attached a screenshot.

so how to do to keep only the picture and the name of the subcategory without the description? (but of course keeping the description in the BO for the SEO purposues:) )


I know it has to do with category.tpl maybe?


Thank you in advance!


Edited by walidon (see edit history)
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You didn't specify your PS version, so here's an example from PS 1.6


In category.tpl, you should be able to remove the following



{if $subcategory.description}
<div class="cat_desc">{$subcategory.description}</div>
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