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How to add pictures of all products in new presta?

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Hello all.



My primary site is www.computers.rs, pretashop:
Now i installed new prestashop on www.matrix.rs


My Goal: Install new prestashop and add all products from (www.computers.rs)
About 20,000 products and 200 categories and subcategories.


What I did:

Installed new prestashop, and copy/paste mysql tables ps_category and ps_product.

Now i have all products on new prestashop and same linking.









My question is how and where are pictures of this product.
Product ID: 20135


I search in /img/p but there are some folders from 1 to 9 but i cant find picture of this product!

Thanks in advance



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But how to find exacly where is that picture...
EXAMPLE What i want to try:

Same product on my live site:

Same product on my second site:


My question is how i can find where is picture on server from first site link product?
I want to copy that pictures for example on second site server.

I need adress where is picture img/p/1/2/3/4/5 ?
When i copy link location from first site picture i have this link:


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This is product same product on 2 websites:


New prestashop 1.6: http://matrix.rs/index.php?id_product=1464&controller=product

Old prestashop 1.5: http://www.computers.rs/index.php?id_product=1464&controller=product


Picture path presta 1.6: http://www.matrix.rs/img/p/2/3/5/8/2358-large_default.jpg

Picture path presta 1.5: http://www.computers.rs/img/p/2/3/5/8/2358-large_default.jpg



As you see, product links and picture links are same....

Why my new prestashop not showing picture ?


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Still the same....
In backoffice i dont have pictures in product. I added pictures manually via FTP. Just copy from prestashop 1.5 folder img/p/.../ to prestashop 1.6 . Pictures are copied  on same position 'cos i have same link  and same ID of product on both prestashops....


What to do...?

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Okay maybe i found the problem...

My product is http://matrix.rs/citaci-kartica/21711-pc-usb-si-reader-ct40-gemalto.html
Product ID is 21711

I added picture for this product from backoffice. and its work but his path is: ------img/p/2/5/25-large_default




How to make product with ID/21711/ to use picture from path ...img/p/2/1/7/1/1/21711-large_default

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