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Static INDEX (html) page HOW TO?

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I want to change my index page to a static new different page (mage with link).

The simple way is to create an index.html with a link to index.php (prestashop index).

If i do this is ok, but there is a problem when i want to add a product to cart (parse error, question image and blank page).


Googeling i see it is a problem when there is an index.html page in a prestashop site...


How can i do this in the simple way? 



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The problem i want to solve is this:


i have a new page (presentation page) index.html like this:


<a href="index.php"><img...></a>



So this page, index.html links to prestashop initial page index.php. All is ok when i see the page but, when i try to do an add to cart, i see a blank page with a question ico. Looking at forums i see there is a problem when you use a index.html page...


How can i do to put one (NO PRESTASHOP PAGE) like index that links the index.php without problems?


Thanks in advance!

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