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Text Descriptions come up as invalid WHAT???

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is not exactly the reason on mine -- I found it by clicking the HTML icon in the Description box -- not only does it do this on manufacturers but on every product I have --it is actually quite annoying.

looking at the HTML direct in the BO of the product -- regardless of any test I add I get this as the last line (Which when I delete manually, click update and save - does work , but line comesback witha vengece 10 seconds later [but still works] {Just quite annoying})

Here is the line:

<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><input id="jsProxy">

delete - update - save and will work -- then go back and do it again and the line is back.

I have a feeling it is for tracking but the problem is even a BLANK description has this hidden HTML and somehow its invalid -- my guess is that it has an input element with no form element parent. But that is just me :)

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I'm getting the same issue only mine is referring to tags lists:

Tags list (English (English)) is invalid

I can use the import feature without any worries at all... Come to think of it, have all of you (people getting these errors) used the import tool to get your items in the catalog and then gone in to edit them manually afterward?

Just thinking perhaps it has something to do with importing the data (sets it in a particular manor) and then the manual editing can't connect with that particular data layout... Just spit-balling, I'm no where near qualified to help here.

Might be time for some help from the Moderators... PLEASE!!!

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Mobius - that is strange as TAGS is not an HTML editable box. Yes help from moderators would be helpful --

We are changing the domain spelling to something new in a few days and I am going to start fresh.

My error (code in post #2) seems to be some type of tracking that because hidden doesn't show text but they are FORM fields without a FORM tag - which is probably what makes it invalid.

To answer the question Mobius, I originally posted the error when editing the sample data (as to change a Manufacturer from Apple to my first crafter. I had nothing in the description, and nothing was there to begin with.

Also Yes I have used the import tool to import a Excel>>>CSV file and it would not import that so I had to manually load the file to where it says to via FTP and then the process worked. Believe me I fought with it several times until I saw where to load the files manually, to the point I almost started looking for a new software that would to the import (CubeCart and ZenCart don't) - I found prestashop by accident - but does everything I need so I wanted to use it -- I like it EXCEPT for this invalid error as I have to edit every item when I load the photos but first have to delete the the error causing code first -- tedious, tedious.

I also noticed that the image URLs that uploading an image regardless of the filename you tell it gets changed to the Product_ID number, that wouold be OK if people named their items 1, 2, 3, ... but we don't so hunting in the files for a piicture is also a lost cause (unless you first go hunting for the product for the ID#

enough ranting :) Prestashop is the best I've seen

any help, insight, suggestions is much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
I'm getting the same issue only mine is referring to tags lists:

Tags list (English (English)) is invalid

I can use the import feature without any worries at all... Come to think of it, have all of you (people getting these errors) used the import tool to get your items in the catalog and then gone in to edit them manually afterward?

Just thinking perhaps it has something to do with importing the data (sets it in a particular manor) and then the manual editing can't connect with that particular data layout... Just spit-balling, I'm no where near qualified to help here.

Might be time for some help from the Moderators... PLEASE!!!

Hi Mobius, I relized you posted this a long time ago...so I wanted to touch base and ask you...if you found a solution to this problem. I was able to successfully use the csv import file you shared on another post. Thank you so much for that and the instructions too that was really great. However I am running into a similar problem like the one you posted above. I saw this issue was also posted in bug tracker by another person, however the moderator said they were unable to reproduce it...Please see my message below that I also posted to the bugtracker today...I would welcome any help with this.

I am having a similar problem. After putting product descriptions and adding tags in a csv file...with all the other products details allowed with the Import module...I was able to import the csv file successfully. But after importing, the product descriptions was imported without formatting so I went in to change that and then save.

However I keep getting the following 3 errors:
Tags list (English (English)) is invalid
Tags list (Français (French)) is invalid
Tags list (Español (Spanish)) is invalid
I am using the latest prestashop Version and this was also a fresh install.

If anyone had the same issue and foud a solution...I would appreciate if you could share it...this is very annoying and time consuming...and the main reason for using the Import module is to save time. Thanks in advance for your input.
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