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[SOLVED] What does the searchcron.php file?

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Anybody can explain me what makes searchcron.php?


As you can see in other post, I have problems with indexation on multistore installation.


After a few days searching other ways and waiting for an answer (with no luck), I have an idea (bad idea???): fill manually the search tables when I import our products.


To do this, I need to understand what tasks does the searchcron.php file, what tables are involved, how to fulfill it correctly, ...


Can you help me?



Edited by nandelbosc (see edit history)
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Sorry about my answer...I need to stay off the forums when Im sleep deprived.


Are you timing out? Try changing your php.ini maximum execution time to a longer setting and see if more of the search gets indexed.

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Thanks for your answer pets11, but as I said in the cited post, running the cron don't work because stops after a few minutes without errors, but with a lot of products pending indexing...  :(


at the top of .php file add this:

	@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

then if error, you can then check your hosting error log.

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Sorry about my answer...I need to stay off the forums when Im sleep deprived.


Are you timing out? Try changing your php.ini maximum execution time to a longer setting and see if more of the search gets indexed.


Thank's again pets11, and no, i'm not out of time... I tried to change this values...

    php_value memory_limit 1024M
    php_value max_execution_time 44000
    php_value max_input_time -1
    php_value upload_max_filesize 25M
    php_value post_max_size 20M
    php_value max_input_vars 10000

But didn't work! :(


at the top of .php file add this:

	@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

then if error, you can then check your hosting error log.


Thank's El Patron, I try it later.



By now I solved the problem with a bash script wich imports the info in my csv products file and fill the corresponent prestashop tables. Now the search work's well.


Thank's to every body.

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totals=`cat $FITXER_ACTUAL | wc -l`
id_shop="1" # or other id

while read linia_actual
 id_product=$(echo $linia_actual|cut -d ';' -f11)
 comptador_actuals=`expr $comptador_actuals + 1`
 stock=$(echo $linia_actual|cut -d ';' -f33)
 tipus=$(echo $linia_actual|cut -d ';' -f22)
 ### canviem totes les ' per " http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/quoting#ansi_c_like_strings http://www.asciitable.com/
 line=$(echo $line|sed 's/\x27/"/g')
 ### id_product
 id_product=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f11)
 id_product_permanent=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f11)
 id_material_proveidor=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f38)
 ### description
 description=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f14)
 pare=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f31)
        if [[ -n "$pare" ]]; then
                pare=$(mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'SELECT id_product from ps_product WHERE reference="'$id_product'"' $BDD)
                description=$(echo $line|cut -d ';' -f34)

frase="$description $id_product_permanent $id_material_proveidor"
for paraula in $frase
paraula_existent=$(mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'SELECT id_word from ps_search_word WHERE id_shop='$id_shop' AND id_lang='2' AND word='"'$paraula'"'' $BDD)
if [[ -n "$paraula_existent" ]] ### IF MATERIAL EXISTENT
mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'INSERT INTO `ps_search_word` (`id_shop`,`id_lang`,`word`) VALUES ('$id_shop','2','"'$paraula'"')' $BDD
id_paraula=$(mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'SELECT id_word from ps_search_word WHERE id_shop='$id_shop' AND id_lang='2' AND word='"'$paraula'"'' $BDD)
mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'INSERT INTO `ps_search_index` (`id_product`,`id_word`,`weight`) VALUES ('"'$id_product'"','"'$id_paraula'"','2')' $BDD
mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'UPDATE `ps_product` SET `indexed`='1' WHERE `id_product`='"'$id_product'"'' $BDD
mysql -u $U_BDD -h localhost -p$P_BDD -se 'UPDATE `ps_product_shop` SET `indexed`='1' WHERE `id_product`='"'$id_product'"' AND id_shop='"'$id_shop'"'' $BDD
########### POST ALTES
                echo -ne "$id_product - alta                                       \n"
                altes=`expr $altes + 1`

        echo -ne "$altes altes, $modificacions modificacions i $baixes_actuals baixes de $comptador_actuals \r"



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