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Paypal Europe Vs USA Differences? Error...

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Hi, i am using the USA Canada version of paypal.
however when i try to shop using my private paypal european account I can not proceed.

The delivery adress is in Europe. The message error I get is the "ship state" and "ship street" is unidentified. (please see attached document)
IS this because I am using the USA version of Paypal for prestashop or simply as there is that some countries in Europe do not have state?

I tried to install the European version of Paypal also (which means I have both the European and USA paypal enabled and installed) but get the 1002 error.

My shop ships international so I need to get payment from both Europe and USA.

So my question is what problem do I have and what is the difference between the European version and the USA Canada Paypal version?

Anyone have the same issue or know the solution ?


PayPal response:
TIMESTAMP -> 2014-06-14T02:47:38Z
L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Authentication/Authorization Failed
L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> You do not have permissions to make this API call


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