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Sizechart - how to edit? Change by category not by Manufacturer

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I have module "sizechart" // prestashop 1.6


I have different sizecharts displayed by id_manufacturer. 
I want to be displayed by id_category.
Please HELP!
modul sizechart atached productssizechart.zip

class productsSizechart extends Module
 	function __construct()
 	 	$this->name = 'productssizechart';
 	 	$this->version = '1.0';
 	 	$this->tab = 'Products';
		$this->displayName = $this->l('Products Size Chart');
		$this->description = $this->l('Display a Size chart on the products page');

	function install()
	 	if (!parent::install())
	 		return false;
	 	return $this->registerHook('productfooter');

	public function hookProductFooter($params)
		if (isset($params['category']->id_category))
							$id_product = $_GET["id_product"];
							$db = Db::getInstance();
							$results = $db->ExecuteS('
							SELECT `id_manufacturer` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product`
							WHERE `id_product` ="'.intval($id_product).'";
							$manufacturer = $results[0]['id_manufacturer'];
                      if (intval($manufacturer) === 1 )
 						global $smarty, $cookie;
                        'this_path' => $this->_path,
						'id_manufacturer' => $results[0]['id_manufacturer'] ,
                        'this_path_ssl' => Configuration::get('PS_FO_PROTOCOL').$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__."modules/{$this->name}/"));
                        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productssizechart-puppia.tpl');
					  if (intval($manufacturer) === 2 )
 						global $smarty, $cookie;
                        'this_path' => $this->_path,
						'id_manufacturer' => $results[0]['id_manufacturer'] ,
                        'this_path_ssl' => Configuration::get('PS_FO_PROTOCOL').$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].__PS_BASE_URI__."modules/{$this->name}/"));
                        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productssizechart-deardog.tpl');


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