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I created a new category with selected seasonal products,  but my boss is asking me to that page this more personalized (remove the menu header and menu sidebar, other colors, etc..) I've been researching on creating custom pages, but do not know if it would be the right thing to do. 




Is it better to create a custom page and add the products? If so, what is the way? Any link to tutorial or something. 


If not, how I can customize the pages created in categories? remove menus, change colors, etc.. But only on that page. 




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It'd be best to look at the source code and the ID of your body tag. Based on that ID you can create new CSS rules for your site.

eg. for Product page, if you wanted to change the color of the h1 tag, you would write

#product h1 {color:#ff0000}

Applying a style for the header, this would not affect the other pages?


I need to remove some elements are within the header. eg the menu and login buttons.

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Guys, I really appreciate your answers. 


But my problem is not making changes to the page of a specific product. Changes need to perform them in a category of products in specific, ie a category of products of the season.

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No, it would be like this:

.category-34 #left_column{

because body have class category-34 and left column has id left_column supposing you have default theme.

Doesn't Work :(

.category-34 #left_column{
	display: none !important;
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