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Remove google maps from order page in 1.6 (slowing down/ crashing site/server)


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Anyone know the best way to remove the google maps module lookup for the customers address in the order page in 1.6. Or a way to remove google maps all together from prestashop.


We have a user in china that cannot access the order page whenever the china government tries to block google and its services (they do that every time something sensitive comes up in western news).


Any assistance on how to safely do so would be helpful.



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Hi JimmyC..




find and then comment out as follows:

	public function setMedia()

//		$this->addJS('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false');

		if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] == 1 && $this->display == 'view')
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commenting the line as El Patron suggested removes the ability to see your client's location on the edit order page (admin view).

To remove Google maps from the front-end, while keeping the fonctionnality in the back-end, you'd better move the line into the "if" just after :





if ($this->tabAccess['edit'] == 1 && $this->display == 'view')








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