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Horizontal categories menu in custom theme

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Greetings glorious prestashop forums and mighty developers


I seek guidance in a matter which I cannot solve regarding categories menu. I am using Prestashop version and a free version of this theme: http://livedemo00.template-help.com/prestashop_46844/


what I need to do: display product categories with dropdown in the horizontal menu above the slider as in this theme: http://demo.prestashop.com/en/?view=front


I searched in this forum and only found that you need to add categories to 'Top horizontal menu' module. But this theme, as I understand, doesent use this module for the menu bar, firebug says it uses "header-box blockpermanentlinks-header".


So, what should you advise me to do to add categories above the slider like in 1.6 theme ?


Thank you for your time

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