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help with error in Attributes Generator

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I have a problem to add combinations of attributes to products. This is not happening with me the previous version.
By creating combinations with the "Attributes generator" once that has generated correctly, then I get these errors, such as combinations of attributes.
The attributes are generated either in the store is entirely correct.
The notice said some of the reference provider. I have not created any supplier.

He has this happened to someone and what it has solved.
help. thanks.



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I think you will find your display errors is set to developers level, to high for average user on here.
To hide these messages set display_errors "off" which can be found in config.inc.php
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

Usely these notices are nothing worry to much about so as a quick fix change the setting above.
ideally this needs to be set within php.ini http://uk.php.net/error_reporting (this will help to configure the right solution for you ) ;-)

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